Community living

Our House Rules exist for your safety, comfort and enjoyment at Iglu and for the safety, comfort and enjoyment of your fellow residents. Here are a couple of specific reminders:

Keeping it down – we are a diverse community where everyone is busy with different study timetables and work commitments. Let’s respect our fellow residents and keep noise to a minimum after 10pm on weekdays and after 11pm on weekends (Friday and Saturday). You can still have fun, we just ask that you ‘keep it down’. For the same reason, the rooftop terrace on level 11 is closed between 10pm and 7am each day.

Living smoke free – smoking and vaping are not permitted anywhere inside the building, including the outdoor areas. If you smoke in the area outside the building, please be considerate with the disposal of your cigarette butts so that we can keep the area clean and respect others in the neighbourhood.